Programming and it's cycles

Welcome to the weekly warble here at Ideanthro Movement.

This week marks the start of a new cycle of programming for our strength and movement, bodyweight and stretch classes. Thus, I'm going to talk about why we run our programs in cycles and how this approach benefits you.

We could get super technical here, but at a high level, we're trying to balance two things.

1) Getting enough consistency in your training that your body gets the message that you want it to adapt and develop; and

2) Not doing too much of the same thing that your body either gets used to it (and stops adapting) or you get bored and stop training as regularly.

Training is all about trying to give your body the right stimulus (the training that you're doing) to stimulate it to grow. Give it too little stimulus and it won't develop. Give it the same stimulus for too long and it will develop initially, but then progress will stop. Find the sweet spot and you can keep driving progress very effectively.

If you come to our classes I hope that gives you some insight as to why we program in cycles, and if you're programming or guiding your own exercise I hope that gives you a little bit of insight into this world. There's a whole rabbit hole you can go down if you want to!



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