Intentional training drives great outcomes

Welcome to the weekly warble here at Ideanthro Movement.

This week I'd like to talk about something subtle that makes a big difference when training. That thing is being intentional in your movement.

By intentional I mean, how purposeful and deliberate are you being in your movement?

Honestly, you can make a lot of progress by training with a 'near enough is good enough' approach, but being intentional will both speed up the progress, and ultimately take you much further.

So what's an example of being intentional with your movement?

In this video I give an example of a box supported chest to bar chin up done both with and without intention. In both cases I move well through the positions, I have good technique, I move with control, but in one there is precision and purpose in every little detail of the movement. That's movement done with intention.

Let me be clear. You don't have to train with that much intention. You can get great things out of a less intentional approach. But if you are someone who enjoys attention to detail, or you've been struggling to make progress on a particular aspect of your training, then this is something that you could explore to great benefit.



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