3 Home Fitness Ideas For Children

With everything going on with COVID-19 at the moment, many of you have children at home and you’re looking for ways to keep them happy and entertained. Here are three ideas from us.

3 Home Fitness Ideas For Children

GAME - The Pizza Game

The pizza game is high energy fun for two or more people (but three or more is best). You’ll need a bit of room (if you have access to a backyard that’s a great option) and something soft to play the roll of the pizza (small pillows or a folded up bath towel). Each person balances their soft object on one hand while running around trying to knock everyone else’s object off. For full details and nuances, watch the video.

CHALLENGE - ‘aHead Of The Pack’

This movement challenge is all about communication, teamwork and awareness of oneself in relation to their partner. What you need is a soft object (e.g. a towel or pillow) and two people (and for COVID-19 times that should be two people who are already in close contact because they live in the same house. Don’t play with someone you aren’t already in contact with). The two people hold the soft object between their foreheads without using any other part of the body and them proceed to move through a very simply ‘obstacle course’ (maybe just some more pillows on the ground. See the video for full details.

SKILL - The Tripod Vault

The tripod vault is a great skill to teach kids because (1) they love it, (2) the underlying movement partner applies to lots of other movement skills, and (3) you can teach it at home, even if you haven’t done one before yourself. The tripod vault is essentially the pattern we use to climb over objects. To find out how it’s done and how to teach it, watch the video.


It would be easy to think that the take home message from this post is that you just learnt three great things you can do with the kids to keep them active at home. But there’s another more powerful message that you can choose to take as well. That message hides in the way we classified these three ideas. One was a game. One was a challenge. One was a skill. Thinking of it this way can help you come up with ideas of your own. So by all means, we can help you with lots more ideas, but if you want to come up with some on your own, don’t think “what can I do to keep the kids active?”, instead think “what physical challenge can I set them?” or “what skill do I know that I can teach them?” That at least gives you a spot to start your brainstorming.

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Jack Mullaly